
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Review: Quilling Get-Together v1.0

hahah! i know, i know. i' m late. honestly, i'm quite busy with the research works and i just got the picture from my friend yesterday ;) now, where to start? oh, i almost forgot how happy and excited we are at quilling get-together, but i try to make this review as best as i can.

Picture Credit: Miyyah@Kertas

first time meeting all of quillers and newbies are strange. yet my heart felt totally excited! ;) i still can't believe what i dreamed for is now happening, right at this moment :D i am inspired by their enthusiasm, and see what i've made? i love those! ^^

All my 3 cards: funny how i can be so creative in mixing colours :P hahah

looping technique is new for me but i've try it a week before this get-together. the different is, mixing suitable colours is so not me. i always have trouble with mixing colours. but at that time, together with them, i am inspired and feel like being moved by them ;) *oh, please ignore my english. i always have trouble finding suitable vocab ;P*

everybody seem so busy! :D

the desks are full with creative items and colours. the laughter, exchanging tips, and the new ideas have surrounded us. like new aura. whoa~ am i exaggerate it too much? :P but honestly, that's what i feel ;) you know, i can't stop myself to keep standing and walking to see what others are doing, hoping i can steal some of their ideas! heheh :P *wink!*

tada! ♥ these are all that we've done on that day ^^

we quill for almost 5 hours. non-stop. not feeling hungry or thirsty! just quill and quill until the end. at my side, we are a bit shy i guess :P we don't talk much. but at the other side, we have happening people who talk, and laugh all the time ^__^ err.. perhaps, the next time we meet, shy people {including me who always speechless when meeting new people} can talk a bit more too ;) hihi.

i really miss them all, and wish we can meet again.. before next year? ;')

p.s i: more pictures, can be found here. oh, and here and here ;)
p.s ii: the best review can be found here and here ^^


  1. That looks like so much fun and look at all the wonderful creations.
    As for your english, you did just fine :)

  2. mizam: sure will :)

    ann: it's really fun ann ^^ i hope i can meet all the quillers around the world. but in a moment, it will be kept as my dream. perhaps one day :) glad you can understand my expression ;) thank you ann ^^

  3. lain kali saye nak join boleh? heeee...nak belajar buat quilling jgk =)

  4. Hi As ^__^

    I see your photo number 3 ,yeah they are so busy but it a happy time,right? ^^

    You cut a paper quilling by yourself or buy? so many colour and they made a good work too :D

  5. joy dear, yup, verry happening ^^

    i shred the paper using paper shredder. agree with you, they are all awesome people. creative in combining colours, making decorations and i learn alot from them :)

    in case you come to malaysia, perhaps we can meet up too and talk about quilling ya? ;)
