
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On My Convocation

immediately, a day after our Quilling Get-Together, is my Convocation ceremony. i arrive home almost midnight and what comes to my mind is only, i have to make some quilling things for friends. since i started quilling, they are the the most important people that keep me strong and help me in many ways. they also always ask for simple quilling items, but i always refuse to do it. lazy me. heheh :P most importantly, they keep reminding me of my dream, which is having my own papercraft shop so that i will never gave up whenever life gets harder. really, even at this stage, the journey is still looooong way to go! huhu

so here they are; when everybody have fall asleep, i sacrifice my eyes and hands to make a simple bookmark of white-orange scroll. usually it's red right? but since our faculty is determined by orange colour of hood, so i decided to make it the same theme.

can you see my orange hood there! :D

if you notice, lately my bookmark has some modification in ribbon's hole. i try using eyelet, and it turns out really smart, ain't they? ;)

i sleep at 4:00am in the morning. and wake up at 6:00am. so sleepy. thank God i didn't fall at stage! :P

footnote: if you wish to see more pictures on my convocation, here's the link ;)


  1. Btw! I love the eyelet too!!! Looks so neat! Never tried something like that before. Where can I get them?

  2. I love the way you make the scroll by gluing quilled circles together like that! What a wonderful idea! It's so cute and straight to the point! Love it!

  3. thank you kak lin! ^^ oh about the eyelet, i bought both puncher and eyelet at the art friend, the gardens. one set worth RM35 {a puncher and 100pcs eyelet} previously i bought a very cheap one but it turn really bad. but this one is great. no need to use much effort to press the eyelet ;) puncher tu kaler merah kat pemegang dia ^^

  4. I really like the bookmarks. The scrolls are perfect. The addition of the eyelets is perfect. I've been wanting to buy an eyelet setter but never seem to get around to it. I think they give the project a wonderful finished look

  5. Great idea As, love the way you made the scroll. Congrats again on your convo, you look lovely in photos! So sweet of you to make these wonderful bookmarks for yr frens.

  6. ann: thank you for your comment ann ♥ i keep making simple things lately. time really envy with me, i guess :P oh, i hope you'll found one soon, dear ann. i found this one at art store where they sell almost everything that architecture student need.

    ally: thankyou dear ally ♥ sadly it's not enough to give to all. i just manage to make 11pcs if i'm not mistaken. huhu~

  7. the scroll looks real!!! i luv this!! o.0

  8. Thank you As for sharing me this info... :) Kak Lin belum pernah pegi kat Art Friend, Mid Valley tu. Hari tu tak sempat nak pegi huhuhu. Takpe, insyaallah one day I'll be there hehehe...

  9. okie! sure kak lin rambang mata nanti. khehehe :P kat art friend tu nak wat woodcraft pun ad. banyak lah. mcm² ag. as pun br pegi dua kali. tu pun sebab dpt tau ms akak post tentang quilling tool. so, try la jenguk ad ke tak. ngee~ quilling ny item memang seasonal. untung dtg waktu dia restock, ad lah. kalau tak, tersadai kesepian di satu sudut. cian die :(

  10. k.asma' cut those bookmark dgn ape?the edge look very perfect :)

  11. Congratulations!!!!!!!
    This work has great meaning.^__^

  12. kat mane bleh beli ring utk masokkan ribbon tu ekk??
    camne nak ckp kat sales girls yg kt nk mende tuu??
