
Sunday, October 17, 2010

3:00 a.m in the Morning

almost 3 o'clock in the morning, my eyes still wide awake o_O quilling and watching korean drama at once :P while my novel sit still beside me {untouched} hohoh! ;)

making simple and fast bookmark for myself :) yup, it's paper clip actually :P

okay². i must force my eyes to sleep now. or else i'll be late to catch the train. i'm going to meet my long lost sister tomorrow! *happy!* :D

goodnight everyone ♥


  1. What a fabulous bookmark. That is such a great idea. Have fun with your sister.

  2. cute paperclip!

    I don't know you're a kdrama addict too!!! Cerita apa tengok?

    (yes, watching kdrama and quilling at the same time is really FUN hahaha)

  3. thank you ann! previously, i just use the paperclip as my bookmark. but since i'm afraid of loosing the enthusiasm of quilling {due to busy working}, i decided to make fast decoration on top of it ;) once i stop quilling, it's really hard to back on track.

  4. kak miyyah, thank you! rsny dulu akak pun ad wat paperclip gak kan? hehehehe.. lagi somel² oO!

    m not a kdrama addict, tapi once in while mesti tye kwn as yg sgt gilakan everything about korean. saje wat release tension sket.. hehek :P as tengok bread king: kim tak gu :P

    can't agree more! memang super fun! unconsciously, tibe² jek satu bunga dh siap! :P

  5. many people have did this joy. so, i think i should try once too ^^ you have too, joy! ;)
