
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Project: Distressed Cardboard

i'm so excited making this first new section for SR's blog: weekend project! ^__^ well, this project will be the series of simple paper-craft project which is other than quilling. but i will try to combine each new method that i've tried with my quilling art. oh, i really can't leave it behind right? :P

this time, i found from elvie studio's blog: distressed tags. she uses distress ink, but i can't affort to buy them :'( so i just bought sets of pigment ink from our local crafters to try ;) {please do support our crafters!} and thank god it also works! but of course with different sentiment. but i still proud of myself for being able to make it real! ^^

hoyeah!! ^^ i've made four! B-)

after finish, i took one of them and make this simple and quick ramadhan card for my online friend.

really it is simple and quick right? :P

my ugly arabic writing. haha! :P

oh, really love the distressed cardboard when it is pasted on a blank card ♥ i can't express it in words! :P ok now, what's next? B-)


  1. thank you kak ila.. isk, terharu dapat komen dr designer hebat =') as still tak pandai letak decoration banyak-banyak. tengok kak ila n org lain buat mcm wow jek ^^

  2. Beautiful As, it really makes the card so elegant. Aren't distressed tags fun to do? They make very nice book marks! You have been busy! I love the samples in the photo, such lovely bright colours. Will be useful for backgrounds. I must start using more bright colours rather than muted tones.

  3. thank you ally! =) yep, it is really fun! i never thought stamping could make more than 'just stamping' :P oh, you know more right? i shall learn form you too to put the glitter like your last entry.

  4. Walaupun kad tu nampak simple...tapi still cantik...KLin rasa kalau As letak banyak deco nanti semak this is just perfect! And your Arabic writing is nice as well...a lot better than mine! LOL! The distressed technique looks like fun! Tak penah try lagi. Thanks for the idea...maybe someday I'll give it a try as well. hehehe...tengoklah camana....sejak kebelakangan ni, asyik buat kerja ikut mood jer hehehe.

  5. tenkiu kak lin! eh, memanglah kena buat kerja ikut mood.. tu bezanya kerja org seni.. nges3 :P
