
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Diana F+

picture credit: artpixie.tumblr

my first try making quilling camera. of course i choose diana! oh, i always wish to have this camera as my birthday present ^^' anyone?? :P

since i am impatient, this is the result. haha! =)) tiny, fast and quick ;) the real one, will be uploaded as soon as it's done ;)

btw, i'm not using my shredder now. i prefer cutting it with razor and metal ruler. i got desired size and you know what, i just don't know why the paper seems a bit shining if i cut it manually ..? hmm~


  1. gler penyabar! nk potong satu2 gne razor je..tabik spring ah wa sama lu!

  2. Cutenyer camera tuuu! I can't wait to see the finished quilled camera! Mesti comel sangat2! :)

  3. mai&ali: eh budak duorang ni.. huhu.. shredder ni skang mcm makin rosakkan kertaslah.. sgtlah tak suka.. huhu.. so back to my old style.. ngaa~

    kak lin: tungguuuuuuuuu~ hehehehe :P tak taulah jd ke tak.. ngaa~ kne siapkan kerja quantum dulu nih, br leh concentrate ;)
