
Friday, August 13, 2010

Can't Wait For Weekend!

back to 2008: japanese style! ^^

oh, i really can't wait for weekend!! but for now, i have to make today as productive as i can. finish up all the quantum works and make sure i won't bring them to weekend. oh, i hope i can :-S

well, basically for this month of Ramadhan, i slightly rearrange my life timetable. each weekend will be fill with craft project {which is other than quilling craft} and also finish up all the custom made orders as well as 'eidulfitri's order. my mind just can't stop thinking of this and that. stamping, origami, bla bla; especially when i found lots of blogs with tons of easy craft tutorial. argh! felt like fainted for 3second! >.< my brain almost blow up and my heart felt like want to explode! {cuz' i can't apply them right now :'(} ohhh! >.<

okay-okay, have to get back to work.
anyway, may you have a great weekend! ^__^v


  1. Hi As, was juz wondering why you're so quiet! Great card and good idea - I like the way you've done the branches. I was trying to do a design with branches but couldn't think how, now you've inspired me - thks. Hey if you get into stamping, we can share ideas! Good luck with your weekend projects, have a lovely wkend. xx

  2. ally!! i miss you too! really busy with the hari raya orders as well as my job. huhu. but, i'm glad this card inspire you =) almost forgot actually that i've done this kind of branch. haha. oh about stamping, i'll share with you soon! there's one tutorial i found really interesting ^^

    have a lovely weekend too!

  3. Japanese style! I loike!!! Sangat cantik! Lawa la the branch tu...dari jauh nampak macam batang buluh. Colornya pun cantik, macam bronze color...makes it look so expensive :).

  4. thank you kak lin! i really miss those moments.. masa tu idea yang unique mencurah2 keluar.. skrg mcm terasa tua pulak. ngaa
