
Friday, August 6, 2010

New Layout

i am a bit lost lately. too many works, but too little time. too many dreams, but had a very limited resources and ability. so, to have a fresh start again; i always believe in changes. everybody can make a small change at a time. i remember few days ago, i read some article in magazine. the author said that japanese people believe that cutting hair can make a new person in you. so when you've been through a hard time, you can always start your new life again by cutting your hair! ;) sounds funny right? but let me tell you, it really works! i've done it many times already :P

so, since this blog has no hair :P, i change the layout: to be more simple but lovely as it's name ^^ now i feel like want to start from the beginning again. new design and new paper product with of course, must have my quilling art inside it ;) hmm, i have to find something unique so that when you see my craft anywhere, you know it is my style. sometime i wish i am a graphic designer students :P heh~ well, still thinking about it. i see most of crafters have their own uniqueness and i can easily recognize their work. but mine? mine is so random =( this is not good.

anyway, that will be in my future plan list ;) now, what do you think about this new layout?


  1. Love the colours of your new blog. Swirls background is my fave template. I too wish for graphics art background...sigh :( I am still trying to achieve a distinctive style, trouble is I love too many techniques so I'm forever doing different styles. You're not alone honey!!

  2. Hi As! Hey...we all share the same swirl background dear! LOL! Mine is dark pink..yours is kinda turquoise and Ally's is brown hehehe!:D

    My dear...I wish I had a graphic background as well, I wanted to be a graphic designer long time ago but was not good enough to get into that field, so that's why I studied ceramic design. But in the end I am doing something that is related to graphic design hehehe.

    Don't worry As...soon, one day you will find your niche, your distinctive takes time..but you will get there. It takes time for all of us. But I still respect your artwork because you are the only quill artist I know who does not quill with any quilling tools! And that is so cool and unique...coz your quilled art are so neatly done...with your own bare hands. How wonderful isn't it?? SYABAS!!!!

  3. to ally: hehe.. i can see your variety in cardmaking. but all of them seems so new which makes me keep waiting for your next entry! somehow it makes cardmaking become more fun aite? ^^ i wish to try them but i just can't leave my quilling. so stubborn. heheh :P

  4. to kak lin: first of all i am touched with your and ally's words. i felt like i already have two big sister who always support me endlessly and see the beauty in my talent. but me myself, blind to see it =(

    bunch of thanks to you, kak lin =') your words really make my day! ♥ to not to give too soon, to keep forward and to always believe in brighter future

    about the swirl background, feels like we already make a team.. hihihi.. comel lah! ;)
