
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quillers Are Everywhere!

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."
{Mary Lou Cook}

back to 2008: making orders for ramadhan and hari raya.
one of my unforgettable moments =')

just add some more malaysian as well as international quillers on my sidebar. feel so happy knowing all of them and get inspired by thier work. for me, each of them have their own style and personality in quilling. you see, everyone is making a butterfly. but they are never the same! same goes with flowers and birds ^^

there's one blog that really makes me amazed. she did all the quilling in 3D! im sure most of quillers and quilling lovers had heard about 3D quilling right? here is her blog take a look. really cute and sweet ;;) love all of them especially when she makes quilling dolls! ♥

i always plan to make one, but it really takes a lot of time and quilling papers. ok in short, i am lazy and not really creative :P anyway, hope the new links added may inspired you and happy quilling! ^^


  1. Thank you for sharing dear! Her blog is great! Her quilling dolls are so adorable!!!

  2. As, her work is awesome. I am totally stunned. Thanks for sharing her link sweetie!

  3. to both my dearest sister kak lin and ally, she is soooooo creative rite? feels like wanna go inside her imagination to see the wonderful gardens and tales over there.. hehe :P for me, the more quillers i know, the more happy i am. so i thought all the quillers felt the same too. hope this sharing makes you inspired and happy and feel like want to invent more quilling art! ^^

  4. as..mmg kreatif gler owner blog tuh..sgt i wish my hand could be as creative as all the quillers..;))

  5. all of the links here are great and talented quillers, hus. i 'stalk' blog deorg until the very first entry! ;)

  6. I totally agree Asma...Nati's quilling is amazing. I loved it so much I bought 3 little ladies from her a few years ago and I can't part with them. Both of you inspire me and I can't believe you cut all of your own paper....mine would never be straight.

    Thanks for adding my blog to your blogroll...I is greatly appreciated.

  7. hello cheryl! :) thanks to you too ♥ yours as well has inspired me and others :) and thank you for stopping by to my blog ^^ really glad to see more quillers communicate here :)
