
Friday, June 11, 2010

Thank You Card

hi there! lately i've been blessed for having a great friends around me: who understand my past, lift me high to pursue my dreams, and in whatever i do and always accept me as who i am. forgive my mistakes easily and make me laugh when i cry ^__^ well honestly, i am a miserable lady, with lots of rubbish and silly thoughts and worries. but for whom i called friends, they just don't mind. some say, they already immune with my character. haha! i don't know what i could be without them. maybe i go crazy. maybe i can't even believe in hopes and chances.

so today, i would like to share one of my collection: a thank you card :) i really love this design and wish i can make it once again. but you know, i'm not that kind of person. it's really hard for me to repeat the design unless i made them at the same day. huhu~

so for those who want to order my card(s), the design will be exclusively made just for you. isn't it great?! :P i remember there's a quote says that when you believe that everything is possible, you can even turn your weakness into strength! ;)

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