
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flying Car

have you ever see car floating at the sky? hahah. me neither. i don't know why my imagination came into this. i made this bookmark for my bestfriend. he ordered a card for his girlfriend when he saw all my arts in picassa album. and since he likes it so much, i promise to make him one. so here it is:

this idea, of course came spontaneously. then, my sister told me: "why don't you add some balloons instead of birds flying all around the sky?" wow! great idea! have you watched "Up"? it reminds me so much to that story ^__^

oh, there's one thing i want to share. notice the blue color inside the cloud? it happens accidentally, actually ;) i drew the cloud on tracing paper and paste it on blue card. suddenly i felt the blue card made all the things became dull. no excitement. so i tear the cloud. unfortunately, its too late :'( the blue color already sticked on the cloud. BUT..... FOR-TU-NATE-LY, it makes the cloud became more real! hahah! :D i'm so excited and i like it so much! so, in case you want to make a cloud looks real. paste the tracing paper on a desired color that you want. for example, pink for happy day or dark grey for cloudy day :)

well, it makes the bookmark become more special for me. and i'm glad he likes it :') even though the theme is actually suitable for kids. hehe.. {sorry friend, my world full with kids right now :P}


  1. cema` kalo satu keping bookmarked tu bape ko jual.?cam nk kasik kt student2 aku nt ble aku abes.kalo dlm 100 keping bape eh?tny je dlu tau.takot tak ckop bajet.hehehe..

  2. qiss :) ak dah bg detail dekat msj fb ^__^

  3. kak lin: tqsm kak lin ^__^ rasa mcm msh ad jiwa budak2 dlm dr ni.. hihi :P

  4. nasuha dan LAA: trimas! ^__^
