
Monday, June 14, 2010

Let's Try My Luck!

since last month, i just can't wait for this giveaway organized by Lin Handmade Greeting Cards. And now, the time has come! ^__^ wihuu!! for me, kak Lin will always surprise her readers with her own styles as well as her generous heart for sharing all the tips and tutorials in making cards. from pop-up to emboss, origami to of course my favorite papercraft, quilling! ;)

this time, her giveaway came with a very bright and sweet colours ^__^ and again, i'm amazed!

the front cover seems like a bit english style while the best part (for me) is her pop-up flower hidden inside the card. it was like a surprise when we open it! uhuhu~ isn't it sweet? ^__^

well, honestly deep inside my heart, i always wish that one day somebody could give me at least a small quilled card. but sadly, (since i made quilled card) no one intended to give this type of greetings to me ;) hohoh~ so, i wish i could win this giveaway, to be kept as the most precious gift i ever dreamed! wish me luck! ^^


  1. ermm... cekgu asma ada wat kelas untuk org2 b'tgn keras spt saya tak?

  2. ehihi.. kalau ad request, bole jek.. agpun kan tiap kali org jumpe customer hntr kad yang deorang order, sure deorang mintak tnjukkan sket.. hihi.. btw, tak kisah tgn kita keras mana pun, still boleh dilentur ^^
