
Thursday, June 24, 2010

SR's Rubber Stamp

after inspired by friends online (especially kak lin and kak miyyah), i start this business slowly step by step. and today, another progress have been made =) a rubber stamp! ^__^ for tagging my product, of course. ordered from euphoria craftwork; her work is very fast yet very neat and satisfying! {thank you euphy! ♥}

i've made an order for multi-size rubber stamp last week, and i received the package yesterday. wii! ^__^ feels like want to stamp it everywhere! on my craft stuff, my pencil box, my papers, my desk. wargh!!! :P it also came with some simple and easy instructions on handling and cleaning the stamp. very useful! 

oh by the way. there's a story behind designing this rubber stamp. at first, i just sooo in love with mistral font. so i decided to use the font for 'Simple Rhyme' wording. then i excitedly show it to my sister. "done! simple enough right!" ^^ suddenly she said: "eh, why it's look like 'Secret Recipe' eh?" {me: eh?? o_O} mhahaha! =)) what a coincidence! ^^' oh, really she save my life. or else people will see my brand tag as copycat! roar!! >.<


  1. what kind of business are u dealing with my dear :D

  2. im making quilling greeting cards aryn :) initially a hobby.. now it turns into business.. hihi ^^

  3. waa..comelnye...
    nk jgk~~ waaa..hahaha=p
    i da ade tp in arabic and i ske tulisan yg cantik camni...hihi
    ok u da wat business ek..and i nk oder besday card and frenship card ek.. bg quotation kat i ok! =)
    and i'm serious ye dear...

  4. mimie cute.. nanti i mesej details dekat fb boleh? ^^

  5. LOVE it! What is the final font then/ Always love ur creation :)
