
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quilling Cupcake!

yebedabedoOooooo!! ^_____^ haiyah! yes! yes!

oh, please dear readers. please forgive me. im just toO excited making this quilling cupcake. at last, i've made it!!

you know what, when it comes to application-i mean making it real, it is far-far more difficult than what i've imagine T.T i almost give up. my first try is like the picture below. see? SO NOT tasty! >.< hate it! hate the colour, the cake {it does not look like a cupcake at all!!} argh!! >.< close table. don't want to do cupcake anymore. huh! =(

but after few days: having some rest, some revision and some fun outside, my craft spirit came again ^__^ i throw away the give-up mode. and replace that space with believe. always believe that i am creative. i can produce whatever i want with quilling style. its unlimited! unbounded! ok, this is too much. i better stop. hehe ;) so my second try is: jengjengjeng! omg. feels like want to eat it! ^__^ isn't this sweet? oh, please don't tell me it's not look like cupcake. oh pleaaaaase. huhu~

but you may give some ideas if you have :) i would love to hear some feedback no matter it is positive or negative :) meanwhile, i have to make another cupcake for my customer. same pattern (maybe a bit modification) with different decoration :) will be shared later ^__^


  1. the second cupcake nampak macam sundae pun ad kan? haha!

  2. hahaha! balik mesia lah ambik kat sini leha ;)

  3. I love the second cupcake better than the first one! It looks so yummy! hehehehe! Great job As! Woohooooooooo!!!!

  4. hihi.. thank you kak lin.. yang the first one tu, nampak mcm bakul isi bunge jek kan? hahahaha!

  5. I vote for the 2nd cupcake juga hehehe. Nice texture, mcm whipped cream. :))

  6. hehehe.. akak ckp camtu, rs nk jilat2 lak.. haha! the first one tu memang tadek rupe lagsung kan? mcm bakul isi bunge jek.. huhu~

  7. wah,time kasih lawat blog saya! =)
    comel cupcake nih,yang kedua tu nampak lagi super comel. kalau buat banyak2 lepas tu susun mcm bertingkat mungkin akan nampak lagi cute =)

  8. agagaga.. nanti try buat.. ni baru percubaan.. trimas for ur suggestion, nasuha! really appreciate it =)

  9. The 2nd cupcake is gorgeous! The colours are so good...yum...yum...its made me hungry. So I'm going to go look for some cakes!

  10. thank you ally.. save some cake for me!! ^^

  11. Please tell me that you did not really throw the first design away. I can see turning the first one into a an Easter egg or something else. The second cupcake is beautiful and your skill is excellent. First thing I learned when starting to quill is never toss away rejects.:)

  12. hi gail ^^ thank you for your comment. sadly, i had already throw her away! but still keep the flower and pink wrapper to figure out something else to be put on top of it. poor me.. easily give up, i guess. next time i wont do that anymore =)
