
Monday, June 21, 2010

Colourful Daisy with Ribbon

this is my first try combining ribbons with quilling. i decided to buy only two decorated ribbons; afraid of i'm not talented to play with it. huhu~ and then i start simple by just pasting a single stripe of ribbon along the left side of the card. and then i get blur. haha!

but at last, it ends like the above picture ;) three boxes at the bottom-right of the card, with simple tiny little daisy ♥. and playing with colours, made me end up with eight different version! wii!! ^__^

cards with blue floral ribbon

cards with peach floral ribbon


  1. These cards are so sweet and the ribbon is perfect.

  2. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?

  3. are you quillers too? sure we can ;)
