
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Roses: Symbol of ♥

here is another one of my, can i say greatest artwork? hehe. it is because, i manage to put almost 50 roses on top of the card {very tiering! phew~}

this card was made exclusively for my customer to be given to his girlfriend. and again, each time i finish designing the card, i felt like i want to keep it for myself. huhu~ :P oh, before i forgot, this was the first time i got an order from a guy! and suddenly my heart fel dup dap dup dap and my stomach full with butterflies! hahaha!

by the way, i've shared this artwork at CraftZone and luckily, it was choosen to be reviewed by them! {happy!}


  1. Cantiknyaaaa.....kalau K.Lin pun rasa sayang nak beri pada customer hehehe.....bila tengok bunga ros tu...teringat ketika dulu K.Lin buat bunga ros tu guna plastic straw...sekarang ni kalau nak disuruh buat, dah tak ingat dah...hehehe...tapi nasib baik dalam Youtube ada tutorialnya....leh refresh balik memory :)

  2. tq kak lin ♥ so true! memang ilham dari buat guna straw pun.. dulu masa zaman semua orang buat, tiap2 mgu beli staw.. msh ad lagi dok berbaris dalam almari rumah nenek.. he heee~

  3. Love this!

    Dari zaman straw dulu sampai sekarang, spesis bunga ros yang lipat2 ni la yang paling mencabar nak buat haha.. asyik slip la, x kemas la apa la.. org tak sabar mmg camni :p sbb tu sampai skarang my roses spesis yang gulung2 aje hehe.

    btw, good job dear!

  4. hahahahhaa....samalah kita! Rasanya masih lagi disimpan straw tu di dalam store rumah mak K.Lin nih...tak tau nak buat apa....bosan dah dengan straw tu hehehehe

  5. kak miyyah: betol2! ms mula2 buat gne kertas, asek koyak rabak jek.. haha! skang tangan da makin lembut (eceh!) so da buleh buat dengan pantas. n betul la mencabar kak.. dlm byk2 quilling, roses ni satu2nye yang leh wat jari2 bengkak.. adoi~

    btw, tq for ur support kak miyyah! ♥

    kak lin: try tampal2 straw kat kad la pulak kak! hehe.. terbayang2 kalo kak lin wat popup card gamba jus oren pastu straw die real.. whoa! mustih meleleh air liur.. sdpnye air oren!! ^^

  6. how do u made these wonderfull flowers ??
    salam from morroco
