
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birds in ♥

okay, designing may take a few days or perhaps, weeks since im a working lady :P so i decided to share some my previous artworks to make this blog alive. hehe ^^

this time, i choose birds in ♥ theme.

since my customer gave me the envelopes which look like a nest. and it is particularly for wedding, i decided to make a pair of birds on a small stick. kissing each other! ;)

simple and sweet enough huh? ^^


  1. OMG!!! I think the birds looks so cute and adorable! Love it! And by the way..I love your blog layout! So beautiful! Good job! :)

  2. TQSM kak lin!! wish i could make another version which they fly together.. hehehe ;)

    oh, about this fancy blue layout, there's some problem with it.. sob2.. so have to change to new one.. huu~ T.T

  3. Owh sudah kena tukar sekali lagi ker layoutnyer....huhuhu....tapi takpe coz the latest layout ni pun cantik the turquoise color! :)

  4. me toO kak lin! kaler ni nampak damai kan? ♥
