
Sunday, May 30, 2010

White & Inspiration

i still remember, once ago i only make white greeting cards. when it comes to any colours except white, automatically i just get blur o_O wierd huh? but it is true, actually. and until now, i still draft my design on white paper. realy, it's inspirable! ^__^

i heard that lego company also have their own special room which only consist of white wall and furnitures for their designers to gain inspiration. cool! ^__^ oh by the way, my favorite colour is white also. hehe :)

currently, i try to mix my ugly drawing with quilled stuff. i never did this before since i'm not good in drawing :( huhu~ but i still wanna try. so, i draft them on white paper (for inspiration, of course :P). see the picture below. it was my first try. i like it! hihi :) {angkat bakul sendiri :P} immediately, i'm going to use this for my next design. wohooo! ^^

hmm.. i guess, im not really that bad in drawing right? :P


  1. you're not dear...
    really,really,really admire ur work la dear....huhu... nk tempah pun xde special occasion lg..hurm... myb nex time...=)
    hehe.. but,u're sure a talented person...hihi

  2. tqsm scham! ♥ takpe, bole order anytime ^^ hee~
