
Monday, November 29, 2010

Quilling With Kids

happy Monday everyone! ♥ oh, i'm a bit busy since today is may registration day as a postgrad student and yeay! i'm now officially a master student :D but that is not the main topic to be shared here. the main topic is about my weekend ;)

last saturday and sunday, i've been given an opportunity from Miyyah@Kertas to help her to become an assistant instructor for Quilling Contest at The Star Kids Fair. the program was organized by ParenThots and held at kuala lumpur convention centre (KLCC) i am really really have so much fun and totally inspired by their arts :D {thank you kak miyyah for giving me this oppoturnity! ♥}

here i share some links of the pictures taken from ParenThots's facebook page :)

one of the picture taken during the contest by ParenThots

one of the 10 shortlisted entries

  • 10 shorlisted entries (vote for them please!): click here
  • more kids with thier arts ♥: click here


  1. siannya mail x dpt join
    best giller kowt

  2. What a great program. I bet the kids had a blast.

  3. ali: tula kesian die. tp anga bw balik free gift :)

    ann: i had a blast to ann :D i hope my weekend will be fill with such activities. it really fun and inspiring ♥
