
Friday, November 26, 2010

My First 3D Quilling + Hero's Update !

*continuing yesterday's story, this might a very long entry since i'm so excited to share the pics :P forgive me please ;)

ooooh, schooooool holiday! working at home during school holiday can make you very very very tired especially when your house full with kids! so again, the whole day, i can't do any research work. tons of housework to be settled and my hero starts messing up my room with his trillions of ideas that keep pushing him to turn them into real. ohhh =.=" my angel? she plays outside with her friends. heheh ;) others, doing their own business.

my hero told me he wants to do something 3D today. hoho! see, how he wants to challange me? :P okey let us see what he got.

a crayon kuala lumpur convention center. oh look at all the glues! :D

OMG! a whale!!!

a standing blue butterfly. me myself never make my butterflies stand :P

last but not least, mr. scarecrow! {really LOVE this!} :D it's a totally a brown man at first,
so i gave him green hat, pinnochio's nose, reddish smile, blue buttons and a football. now he happy! :D

end up to be 2D except for the KLCC building, but i'm really² impressed with his creations! and yup, he successfully makes me felt challanged and even defeated ;) and because of that feelings, i accidentally made my first 3D quilling! yeeehaa! grr.. :P

beautiful blind little girl. i love every details of her: her hair, her dress, her shoes ^^
adding some more hair for her ;)

and this beautiful blind little girl really shakes his macho scarecrow now! LOL! what a great moment we had today :D oh, can't wait to see his next creation. ahahah! >:D

hope you enjoy reading this entry ^^ happy becoming weekends everyone! ♥


  1. OMG!! I'm so impressed! You and your lil bro are so into quilling and so good at it too! I love looking at your 3D quilling laaaaaaaaa!!!!

  2. wow i luve the hair..and also butterfly

  3. I really love it.. especially the little girl and the butterfly.. keep up the good work to ur hero and simple rhyme~~ =)

  4. comelnye..that my first word when i looked at those pictures

    rasa beruntung ade kakak yang kreatif dan adik yang kreatif

    xdela buang masa mael cuti sekolah ni kan kak ngah

  5. oh your little hero is quite the creative one. Those are just adorable. I love his butterfly and his scarecrow is so cute. Your little blind girl is pretty awesome too. The two of you must have so much fun

  6. stopped back to tell you I have an award for you on my blog.

  7. whale tu nampak mmg sangat cute...tak sangaka quilling boleh buat jadi 3d..sangat hebat! =)

  8. to all: thank you very much for the inspiring and sweet comments :) me n my hero is really enjoy reading them ♥ muah! muah! :D

    ann: i shall collect the award soon. thank you very much!! :D

  9. Wow! Love your 3D quilling very much! You are so creative!

  10. inna :) thank you very much ♥

  11. Hi As, you have a real hero! So nice to see you and your bro so close. Your hero has a perfect role model in you. Beautiful 3D work! x
