
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Buddy!

ugh, days after celebration makes me feel dying! i miss my siblings so much ='( miss my cheerful house when all 9 of them are around. i think i have to make friends here. i have to! >.<

yeah, yesterday was with purple butterfly and two tiny little pink and blue caterpillars {which are now inside thier cocoon to turn into butterflies too! :D}. today, i'm with this little big ears-teddy :P i'm going to make 5 of them in different colours. wii! ^__^

happy wednesday, everyone!


  1. As, you're really on a roll (excuse the pun)! So many new quilling sensations! Teddy is so good. I like!

  2. thank you ally! :D but i'm so lazy to ke it's body. err..

  3. I love the little friend you made, he's very cute

  4. So cute laaaaaaaa!!!! I can't wait to see the body as well! Where did you learn how to quill the bear from?

  5. ann: thank you ann. second time looking at this bear, i felt like it can be mice too. haha :))

    kak lin: aww! hee.. oh, to be honest as tengok² gambar jek ni kak lin. pastu blasah try buat. basicnya just push the tight roll to be mounted. then you can do any 3D quilling dgn technique tu. tengah figure out mcm mn nk buat body dia ni. hbs kertas. ngeh3. nanti if as jumpa tutorial, as share k? ^^

  6. Oh ye ke...wah...terrer terrer hehehe....KLin belum pernah try lagi buat 3D quilling...belum berkesempatan hehe...perhaps when we meet up, you can show me how ;)

  7. hee, kalau jd tau? tenga figure out mcm mana nk buat tgn dia. ngaa~ kecik sgt! >.<
