
Thursday, September 23, 2010

From Our Garden

my second time making paper frame. it's a welcome back home theme for someone special. i choose garden instead of house representing warmth welcome. oh, plus a bookmark there ;)

well, what i see is there still a lot to improve here. filling up paper frame is really challenging for me. you can't left a lot of empty space like what you did in designing greeting cards. i'll try to improve more later. anyhow, i did some experiments in finding out how to make the frame stand. and finally, here is the result :D 100% paper!

oh!. here's one link of a great quiller who do quilling on frame. i adore her so much! she had her first quilling exhibition on 19th September, just few days ago. i was invited but i wish Romania is just nearby Malaysia ='( or perhaps, Malaysian quillers can gather and plan to do exhibition here..? :D


  1. CANTIK SANGAT2!!!!!! Great job As!! Peeewiiiiiiiiiittttttt!! Thumbs up!

  2. thank you kak lin. nk jd mcm cornella rada tapi masih amateur as ni. hehe

  3. That is very nice. I love how you did the garden and I think the frame looks wonderful

  4. thank you ann ♥ i really love making paper frame lately. but i don't know what to fill inside it :P

  5. As, this is absolutely stunning, love the pergola with the roses, one of the best!xx
