
Friday, October 1, 2010

Rainbow in My Heart II

i hope you still remember my first version of 'Rainbow in My Heart' card. and after a long time, here i present to you the second version of it. 2 hearts represent 2nd anniversary! ♥

i hope you like this version as well :) until then, happy becoming weekend everyone! ;) i'll be attending reunion on Saturday, Quilling Get Together on Sunday, and my convocation on Monday! :D oh, and still have to finish some more pending orders as well as my research works =.=" i wish i have another pair of hands ;)

got to go, see you soon! with ♥, As


  1. Can't wait for the 'cat', hehe~

    Go go As!!

  2. akak, as pos after convo ye? :) probably on tue or wed.

    thank you ;) yoshy! ♥

  3. gile santekk....segan nak datang ahad nie..hahah

  4. Very unique design, I like it. Sounds like you have a few busy days ahead of you :)

  5. Very pretty!! i did a heart too but with all swirls... you can see it on my blog :)

  6. Sure thing As,;)

    Happy Convocation!! Congrats!

  7. Beautiful As, love the shape of the hearts and the way you have 'filled' it. Lovely techniquexx

  8. zam: zam tak dtg pon :(

    ann: just coming back from my convocation ann. really tiring. but really happy too! :) will update this blog soon. oh, lot's of things to be done and catch up now =.="

    karuna: you do? i'll surely check it out soon! ^^

    idina: thank you kak! ^^

    ally: thanks ally ;) XX ^^

  9. Sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat cantik!!!!! :)
