
Thursday, September 30, 2010

On Papa's Convocation

i guess most of us in Malaysia are in convocation mood {including me! :D} so, this time it is not a card, but simply an A4 chipboard to be framed by my customer.

on top of the chipboard is a mortar board with a scroll. while at the bottom of it, 4 flowers represent a mom and her three children. the dedication is personalized by my customer to be given to her husband ;)

ah, i just love the new style of those three daisies! ^__^ don't you? ;)


  1. As...cantik!!

    suka bunga-bunga tu.topi tu pon suka ^^
    as punya convo session brapa? saya tak baca habis pun kad jemputan tu. video nk naik stage pun tak study lg. hehe..

    selamat berconvo as ^^

  2. the daisies are sosoo cute LIKE ME n YOU! hehehee!

    siyes, comel tau! ish, bila bukak SR ni tangan sllu gatai nak bukak my craft box tau >,<

  3. So sweet As, I do like the style of the 3 daisies. Are these papers shredded with your new shredder? I notice the edges are a bit fuzzy whereas the one that Lin uses gives a definite jagged edge (almost like a perforated edge). I'm still trying to decide which shredder to buy for when I'm too lazy to cut strips!xx

  4. littlenailofar: as pun tak ready lagi. haha! as pye on monday, 4th oct. selamat berconvo juga!

    eh, g quilling get together tak?? hee~

    leha: ecececeh. bila nak buka galeri maya? hehe

    love: i glad you like it kak lia! :D

  5. ally: yes ally. yup it a bit fuzzy for certain type of paper. plus, i quill by my fingers so perhaps it affacted also. btw, kak lin's shredder is out of stock, so i have no other option. if you found just like her, you should grab it! :D

    bea: thank you dear bea! :D

  6. tak sure lg pi ke tak sbb ahad tu ada photoshoot dgn budak2 studio...

    hehe... nak melaram dgn jubah pinjam jap ^^

  7. Very nice. I really like the daisies

  8. littlenailofar: hehe, have fun! bestnye siap ad photoshhot ;)

    ann: thank you ann! ♥ as nice as you :)

  9. As....cantik giler kad ni! Especially the topi tu..and the daisies....canna you buat daisies tu camtu ye? Puas Kak Lin dok pikir nih hehehhe..... :D

  10. tengs kak lin :D oh, daisy tu. memule as mcm nk tunjukkan ms quilling get together tu. tapi malu lak sebab no one ask. hehehe. simple jek, gulung mcm biasa. cuma tengah² dia tu, lubangkan sikit. kalau guna quilling tool, as tak tau lak cene. as just lilitkan dekat pen, the tampal. lepas tu, keluarkan dr pen, dan gulung smpai habis ;) nati as try buat tutorial dia :)

  11. beautiful work As I like so much ^^
