
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


currently learning this new technique of quilling. and to cheer my silent studio, i make this doodles! :D *actually that's what i heard from them. they talk to each other in a very low tone so i have to listen carefully. ok², i'm going crazy, hikhik ;P*

{two more caterpillars to be turned into beautiful butterfly} ─me talking to the two caterpilars: "please be patient ya you two? i'll give you what she had soon" *oh, i saw their eyes looking at me with full of hope!* "oh, in your own colour! so, be kind!" *now they smile ^__^* ;)


  1. So cute! Kak Lin pun belum pernah cuba teknik tu lagi. Tak tahu la bila nak cuba hehehe...*pemalas* sebenarnya hahahaha

  2. Love the butterfly, caterpillars and doodles.

  3. kak lin: aha, start try untuk next giveaway ke? ;) tapi leceh sikit yang ni. untuk januari la kak. hihi. *as pun pemalas gak. br siap satu, da tepacak dpn laptop balik. haha*

    ann: thank you, ann! :D

  4. Awww, so cute As, I love them all! The little pink caterpillar is a darling xx

  5. ally, at first i don't even realize i am making caterpillars. i just make the body of butterfly as usual. until i plan to do doodles. hihi :P funn!
