
Monday, September 20, 2010

Been Hypnotized!

happy monday everyone! ;) this weekend i've been busy making quilling stuff especially for my siblings. poor them; they've been asking for many times to have my handmade quilling craft. but each time they ask, i refuse to make it due to a lot of order to be done. ngaa~ it's just an excuse, actually. lazy me! >.<'

this time around, i try to squeezed my last weekend before going back to work to make as simple quilling stuff as i can. but still have some funky, colorful essence suitable for teenagers. it's a hypnotized-lolipop's bookmark! ahaha :D so big and kind of show off-bookmark :P ah, you know teenage's soul right? ;P i call it hypnotized because when i coil them, i felt my eyes spinning with colours. and i have to make 10 of them! oh, thank God it's not 100. hoho! :P

making big tight coils is challenging especially to ensure we roll it tightly and carefully not to loose them. or else, you have to start from the beginning {argh!!} therefore, to ensure the coil stick in it's place, you can use PVC glue {as below} to stick the coil together.

firstly, apply some PVC glue by using paint brush. and then spread the glue by using your finger. wait for less than a minute for them to dry. and there you go; one hypnotized lolipop, done! ;)

below are some more pictures of them from different angle. i hope they don't hypnotized you too! ;)


  1. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWO!!!! Cantik! Memang rasa macam hypnotized lepas tengok the coiled bookmarks hehehe.. :D Nampak macam lollipop pun ada kan? :)

  2. This so very cute! What a great idea. xx

  3. kak lin: true!! tapi batang die besow sgt. haha! :))

    ally: make one ally! ^^

    ali: joh ngat nak hantornye.. hihi :P

  4. They are bright, colorful and hypnotic. I love them. What a clever idea

  5. ann: im glad you love them, ann :) when you loose you craft spirit due too long vacation, multi-colours can always be inspiring ^^

  6. asma, how much this lolipop cost for a buying? hehe

    kalu mahu, berapa anda mahu jual?

  7. dayya, nanti as msj dekat ur FB inbox ye ;)

  8. Awesome!! rajinnye nak gulung padat macam nih hehehe

  9. haha. penat tau. kalo teburai, kne start dr awal. wa3

  10. hi as, nak tanye lah... mane nak dapat batang kayu eskrem tu yee???

  11. zFi sori lambat reply. as beli dekat

  12. Hi As,

    Nk tanye, paper utk quill tu beli atau potong sendiri? Kalo beli, kt mane eh nk carik? =)

  13. hai azlin, yang di atas ni as guna paper shredder but it does not produce smooth cut. you may cut by yourself but surely it takes time and can be a bit tedious if you want to have smaller cutting witdh.

    if you wish to buy them, i just open my quilling supply blogshop in collaboration with my other friend. you may visit at: :)
