
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weekend Project: Paper Frame

it's weekend already. yeay! =D err, actually i can't wait for weekend. so i've done this during weekdays =P heheh~ really it's easy and can be done in a very short time. now, here i introduce to you; paper frame!

i found this tutorial from crafts, kids, quilling - inna's creations. for those who needs more inspirations and tutorials in quilling {whether you are beginner or expert}, i strongly recommend you to visit this blog. i've read the whole entries of hers! =D for paper frame, she have shared two tutorials with two different style. you may find both from here and here.

for my frame, i combine both ideas which the main idea is the old simple one. but for the vertices of the frame, i took the new idea to make it more neat. and this is my first decorated frame =D

i call it 'through my window' and make it as a gift to my best friend =') and down here are the close-up of my quilling =) oh, by the way, bunch of thanks to Inna for her great sharing! ♥

vase of flowers :)

first time making quilling cat! =D

another version of butterfly ^^ ah, so cute!

till then, have a great weekend everyone!


  1. As, I love this framed pic so much, the cat is soooo cute, the colour combo is so pleasing, ooh I love everything about it!

  2. I love this project! You combined the elements so beautifully! I like also that you used the paper frame in a new unusual way, well done!
    Thanks a lot for linking to my blog, I'm delighted to know that you find it useful and inspirational.
    Best wishes,

  3. ally: thank you! ;) i also can't believe i manage to make a cat.. hikhik :P

    inna: oh, thanks to you too dear inna. keep on inspiring us! :)

    leha: oh, here she is my best friend! :)

  4. As! I don't think I would have the patience to make the frame hehehe....seriously salute you la! What type of paper is suitable for a frame like that ya? Must be thick isn't it? Otherwise it will not be suitable. Good job As!! Beautiful! Ummu is one lucky gal to receive it from you!

  5. kak lin: sgt mudah buat ni kak lin. serius. hehehe. for the paper, as guna kertas yg biasa as jadikan kad tu jek. it's thick enough and tak berapa susah nak lipat bordernya. skrg tengah figure out mcm mana nak buat dia berdiri {i.e. nak buat stand dia} still bereksperimen. tiap kali try, asek tetonggeng jek framenya. hahaha! :))

  6. angah yang dalam frame ni sangat exclussive. lawa sgt3!!
