
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kids Quilling

having a lot of siblings sometime makes me feel messed. especially when they eager to know what is my next creation. they always ask; "now what?" "any new design?" "oh, why your desk seems clean today?" oh, poor me. being with them makes me MUST be hardwork. no laziness. or else they will ask why. haha!

so, in order to keep them away while me focusing to sketch new design, i always gave them the balance of quilling papers as well as cards for them to make their own and stay away from me. heheh :P oh, i'm really a bad sister aite? ;)

but when they show me their work, i felt really happy! =D i have junior team now, yeay! down here are some of their works. enjoy! ;) {oh mostly, you can see my little brother stole my idea and make a clone of mine. haha! =)) this is fun!}

nana's arts

mael's collections

*click the picture to enlarge.


  1. Very artistic, children can be so creative. Btw, is that London's tower bridge on one of Mael's cards? Thanks for sharing their work, I love to look at children's art. How long did they leave you alone? Haha! What a good idea to distract them.

  2. azilah: me feel the same way =D

    ally: oh, no ally. i'ts KLCC. haha! :)) they still come to me when they have no idea. but it's okay la instead of they sit and wait until i finish my work ;)

  3. Future quilled artist in the making...hehehe! They can be your assistants when you get a lot of orders in future :)

  4. kak lin: yep2, future quilled artist. as da ckp da sok da besar kene keje ngan kak ngah. hak2 :P

  5. Sorry As, it really does look like tower bridge with the draw bridge opened up. How funny, I had to laugh when I saw your reply :)

  6. haha. okay, now i laugh too. cuz now i see what you saw. perhaps it can be both! ;)
