
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rainbow In My Heart ♥

two days ago. my life is as pale as this card. small trouble becomes big. big dream becomes unseen. fortunately, i am surrounded by a circle of true true friend. they always lift me high in whatever condition i am :) i am glad, i am thankful! =')

i also glad for having all of you, who love my arts and appreciate them as much as i do. like this time, this customer came at the right time. she requested for a card where there is a big heart shape consist of small-small colourful heart inside it. oh, long time ago, i really want to make this kind of card. but i'm afraid i can't arrange them :-S at last, see the outcome! yeah! i did it! wiiii!! ^__^

and my feelings become colourful again! ^__^ oh not to forgot, she also requested for a bookmark with the same theme. so here it is. 7 rainbow-colours of love :)


  1. As...K.Lin suka sangat2 la card nih!!!!! Sangat2 ceria dan outstanding bila dibuat diatas kertas warna putih...cantik sangat2 ...I love it. Sangat kemas!

    I love the idea where you put your business name when you take the photos...good idea! K.Lin pernah terpikir nak wat camtu dulu...penah tengok orang lain wat...tapi malas nak wat...konon2 nak belajar wat Watermark tapi sampai sekarang tak reti2...huhuhuhu....

  2. last week aku pun buat 1, hampir mirip dengan love besar yang kamu buat tu cemak, tapi aku tak confident nak post hahahaa..

  3. kak lin: kak lin! tengkiu3! as pun suka sangat sebab tak sangka mampu combinekan tujuh warna sekali. selalu takat main 2,3 warna jek. n ni first time buat style 'collage'. hee. tapi tu kertas cream, bukan putih :P sebab putih dah habis :'( wuwu. susa la nak cr kad kaler putih.

    yang tag tu kan, sebab musabab paling utama ialah malas nk edit gambar letak watermark satu2. huahuahua~ takyah blaja la kak lin. wat ceni pun nampak smart. kan? ^^

  4. leha: haisy.. kalau pun tak confident, haruslah kamu show off pada aku leha! hehehehehe~ nanti pos ya? ya? takde sape nak kutuk nye. sebab tak ada istilah hodoh dalam dunia kraf ^^,

  5. huhuu..nanti bila aku dah buat yang PALING CANTIK aku pos kpd kamu cemak ^_^

  6. yahoo!! kamu tau itu salah satu wishlist aku kan? dapat hasil quilling dr seseorang. hihi :D

  7. This is a very beautiful card asma... Really love it. It is so neat. Seriously pleasing to the eyes. Thank you so much for linking my blog here. I just realised when i was reading through your blog today.

    Keep it up!

  8. thank you shwaria! ^__^ oh, i hope you don't mind for linking your blog. really wish that someday, we will have a huge community of malaysian quillers. hihi :)

  9. Hi Asma
    Bookmarks are so pretty and the card is awesome! Notice the textured cardstock for the base (i think its called buffalo card?),have seen this but it doesn't seem very thick. Does it stand up ok after you have attached the quilled design? I worry that if I do a few layers it might get too heavy and the card will not 'stand up' to be displayed. Thanks for your help. xx

  10. yup ally, its buffalo card. but for quilling, i use lighter (in weight) paper. so it stand as usual :) i never made more than two layers for quilling, so for me its no problem ^^

    xx too! :)

  11. Hi Asma...i don't mind. I should be thanking you... Thank you so much. I really admire your rainbow in my heart card. So so beautiful. I really love the colours. :)

  12. as,

    the heart is grgeous! Love it!

  13. shwaria and kak miyyah: really glad that you guys like it! ^^ hope i can make more like this soon. oh lazy me.. huehue~

  14. Ilove rainbow colors!
    Gud job dear..
