
Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday: Ice Cream with Hot Pink Roses

remember my previous entry about making a cupcake which then turn into a muffin with whipped cream? this time around, i try to make another version which again turn into something else :P a cup of ice cream. mhahaha! since cupcake nowdays is really flat and only decorated on top of it, i felt it really impossible for me to represent it in quilling craft. but, i'll try again soon ;)

my customer ask for pink theme with roses and cake. so this is what it become. (no cake but ice cream) thank God she likes it! ;)  enjoy the pictures ♥


  1. co co co co mel!!!!

  2. so cute laaaaaaaaaa!!!! Good job As!!! Hope to see more of this!

  3. mai: te te te te rimakasih!! ^^

    kak lin: thank you kak lin ^^ i'll do more soon! ;')
