
Friday, July 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home

oh my. i've been super duper busy lately. travelling here and there to settle up my graduation, my work, my post-graduation application and restock all the craft things. really tired =.=" but really had a good time with those who willingly to help me and spent some time with me when i'm at thier place :) really thankful ^^

okay, straight to the point. here it is; the exclusive order from my customer. 'home sweet home' design to celebrate her parents anniversary. 40th, what a BIG number! ^__^

well, i love her idea to make a home and a tree. and i can't agree more when she told me she plan to frame it! sweeeeeeet! ^__^ so it is fully flat A4 pasted on cardboard to make it thicker. i make the tree in heart shape to make it more lovely. and some little grass down there. just love it :) oh the house? for me the red rooftop is great. make the environment more brighter rite?

ah, actually i'm speechless. feels like want to keep it on my own wall. hehe :P


  1. hahahahaa..kenapa aku tgk ini lebih cantik dr haritu? ropanya rumahnya dah ada bata ^o^ cantik!

    aku tarik balik statement 'biasa' haritu ^o^

  2. hehe. thanks leha. mula-mula memang rs something wrong with the house. then try mcm2 style: papan, bata, floral. dan end up dengan batu-bata. nampak lebih sentimental ;)

  3. cantik asma..i like ur creation...nanti boleh lah kita tukar2 ideakan?
