
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bookmarks: New Simple Design

hello everyone, i just can't sleep well last night. so i woke up really early today. since i still have no mood and enough energy to design special orders, i just play with papers and came up with this new style of bookmark.

i made two types; pink and baby blue. so, what do you think about the style? i think i like it :) will figure out more style after this *wink!* ;)

oh, have to go to work now. tata!


  1. These are so pretty. They look like mini clipboards. I do like the striped paper, very modern and easy to match colours. Both are lovely.xx

  2. Great idea! You can experiment more on this :) I love the stripe paper looks just like the wrapping paper I used for one of my card designs, lovely!

  3. thank you ally and kak lin! hehe. wrapping paper always help to fill the emptiness. easy to find, and yup easily match :P kes3. wanna try to draw something after this. but as usual, i am not confident in drawing. agagaga~
