
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Giveaway Posted!

first of all, sorry my dear two lucky ladies.. i've just manage to find ample time to pack the books. huhu~ since this is my first time posting books ─you know with quilling decorations to be protected, i try to figure out how can i post it? hmmmm~

and then one night, TING! the idea come when i realize that i have large amount of corrugated papers which i bought years ago! hahah. so here they are, personally made by me (well not really perfect actually, but i like it!); *tada!* ^__^

the book (wrapped with bubble wrapper) with some simple handmade note card 

almost done: the box! :D

finishing touches: winners' name written on doily papers

hope they arrive safely! ♥

p/s: thanks to saza from ShareYourLoveWithCards for giving me the doilies and embellishments for the note cards! ^__^ oh still remember i owe her swap card. huhu (-_-)'


  1. WOw....cantiknya kotak tu As buat...those two winners are so so so lucky!!!

  2. huhu... how i wish i was the winner!

    one day, if time permits, can you design a planner for me? i plan and write and sketch my designs and wish i could have beautiful planner/books that are really 'me'.

  3. Wooooooooooohooooooo!!! Thank you As!! Can't wait!!


  4. cantik la kotak ni..seriusss...nampak mahal je...=)

  5. brilliant idea with the corrugated paper

  6. kak fid: thank you! ♥

    kak lin: thank you! ♥ heheh, tapi tak taula kak bila dipos. mcm senang koyak jek. kalau nak perfect kne wat lapis² sket :)

    erpha: sure can erpha. insyaAllah by early next year as lapang sket. nati bila dah bukak custom made order, i announce ye? :)

    idina: expecting it to arrive today! :D

    nasuha: sebab kaler dia kot nasuha. hee~ mura n simple jek kotak dia ni. pening gak ms nk buat ;)

    ann: thank you ann! i plan to use 100% of what i've bought rather then keep buying new stuff. and yeay, i manage to do that this time :D hmm, but i don't think i can stop buying craft stuff, it's our addiction right? :D

  7. OMG!!! cant wait to have the book in my hands...its lovely :D

    tenks dearie :D

  8. miznina: you're most welcome ♥ as rs buku smpai hr ni. huhu~ do let me know ye both of you kalau dah smpai :)

  9. As~ buku dah sampai!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks you so much! Love it!! =D

  10. As, would you mind to share with us how u turn the corrugated paper into a box? Much thanks :-)

  11. idina: yeay!!!! :D

    eL: insyaAllah when i have time, i'll snap some pics as tutorial ya? ;)

  12. the boxes are so pretty!
    I so agree with you about using old things =) it's so much better and more economical, but i can't help going shopping at craft stores and buy buy buy. It's addictive! Especially Craft Haven =)

  13. agree yuenie! me addicted too. but i never went to craft heaven. oh, you makes me eager! :D
