
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Soul Sisters Quilling Shop

hi readers, i'm really² sorry for the silence. i've been very busy with all the tasks and responsibilities; and one of them is what i'm going to share with you in this entry :) ehem² ;)

me and my soul sister (Solehah Muhammad from My Quilling Soul) happily to announce that we have established a new blogshop for all of you, Malaysian quillers to get all the supplies for your quilling craft! :D we name this blogshop as Soul Sisters Quilling Shop, where you can find almost every tools that you need in quilling.

at the moment, SSQS has 32 beautiful colours of 5mm quilling strips (80gsm and 100gsm) for you to choose. they are all made from a very good quality paper, with smooth cutting edge brought from Indonesia. we also have slotted tool and we promise to add more tools (board, needle, etc) from time to time. plus, we plan to make a beginners kit complete with multicolour quilling strips, tool, board, etc soon! :D

and as a new blogshop, all the items are sold in promotion price and discounts will be given for the purchase above RM50. this blogshop is seasonal and the first pre-order is now open until 30th November 2010, 12:00pm. the delivery will be made by 13th December 2010 or earlier depends on our how fast our stockist can deliver the supplies from Indonesia.

now, i better stop talking too much ;P and before i end this entry, please, have a visit to our blogshop, happy shopping and happy quilling! :D

{♥}, As Ahmad


  1. Congratulations on the opening of your blogshop. I just love the name of it.

  2. wah best..well doen kak as..starting for have your own paper craft shop...
    online tehn become a concrete one(building)..ahhaha
    gud that strip colours...
    nak pi usha kedai..daaa

  3. Congratulations to your both. I wish I lived closer to order from you too.

    Good luck

  4. I also meant to say that your pictures are fantastic and I love the colour charts. I made a shapes chart for my quilling class...I'll have to take a picture of it and post on my blog {I just need to find it...hehe}

  5. zam: amin! :D thank you zam. slmt meng-usha n belilah mana² yg berminat. hehe :) will add more items by december ^^

    cheryl: thank you cheryl. oh, i wish all of us stay close so we can also did lots of activities like get-together

    can't wait to see your shapes chart. i'm sure it must be looks really neat and simple just the way you style your cards :D {have you found the chart yet? ;)}

  6. wah taniah!! kedai as pun nampak chomel sangat =)

  7. trimas nasuha :) hehe, wat sama² ngn solehah tu ^^

  8. Many congrats As, I wish you and your soul sister all the very best in your new venture. Hoping it will prosper and take you to new heights! Hugsx

  9. thank you very much ally! how happy i am to read your comment ♥

  10. Congrats dear for the new shop!
    Semoga murah rezeki & diberkati Ilahi..amin.

  11. wwaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! congrates dikkkk ... cumellll... nama kedai pun cumellll...

    baru menjejak jari ke kedai... moga rezeki murah berpanjangan... buleh kami menjejak kaki ke kedai nanti...

  12. As!

    Congrats for both of you on the opening! (Patut buat makan2 skali utk grand opening ni tau! :P)

    Love the name, and the packaging!

  13. crafty diva, kak ayin, kak miyyah:

    thank you! muah²! :D amin ya Rabb moga murah rezki, berkat, bole bukak kedai n buat makan² :D hehehe

  14. wah! congrates to both of u...
    leh la order strip kayt kedai u all ek...semoga success ye...=D

  15. thank you julie :) jemputlah shopping d SSQS ^^

  16. I love this! =)
    Congrats on the new blogshop, it was an excellent idea! Now we Malaysian quillers don't have to look everywhere for our supplies. <3

  17. Thank you yuenie! ♥ we just closed the order and hope we can serve you in future. next pre-order is planned to be held in january :)
