
Monday, November 1, 2010

Behind Every Art is Heart

in learning how to make handmade book, i've bought this one book which shares lot's of handmade books as well as tips and some interesting method in making and binding books. i think everyone will do the same when we have to select the best book; it's pictures and that attract right? ;) and another thing that makes me atrracted to select this book is the word 'expressive' :)

i've scan all the pictures for many² times. and since i am the type of person who love to read stuff i bought including manuals of my handphone {!} now it's the time for me to read what had been written by the author, Alisa Golden {feel free to spent some time to visit her website ;)} and i'm glad i read from the first page even though i can straightly go to chapter one, two, or even skip all the simple things in bookmaking. this highlighted paragraph makes me appreciate her works more and even appreciate those who can positively turn their arts into beautiful things when they are in tough situation.

it reminds me about my life actually. i've been through hard times and stop quilling for almost half a year. until i found myself miss one big pieces of mine, which is the dream of having my own papercraft store. i am now more motivated by her story, and can't wait for weekend to make another version of books, to keep quilling, and to learn how to express my feelings in these two arts beautifully! ^^

i hope all of you are inspired too. happy crafting, and may all of you have a very wonderful days ahead ♥

footnote: plan to collect all her books! :D or perhaps someone wants to give as present for me? :P heheheh.


  1. Sounds like a very inspiring book. I like your little hint at the bottom. :)

  2. saya pun ada impian nak ada papercraft store sendiri. semoaga impian kita tercapai. amin. =)

  3. As, I can't help but love the title of this post. hehe

  4. ann: very inspiring ann :) hehehe

    nauha: yeke? wah! tp as rs nasuha boleh pergi jauh. you know lot's of papers. mcm as ni cm dok dlm dunia quilling jek. he. apapun, amin!!! :D

    kak ila: me too :) try to make one line of simple rhyme. heheheh :P

  5. Love the highlighted portion from the book and your comments about it. I also have a dream that seems to be at a standstill through my own making and doubt. Keep yours alive your work is beautiful.

  6. bestnyee. akak beli dkt mana?

  7. sonya: thank you sonya :) i hope we can achieve whatever dream we have at the end ^^ all the best to you! ♥

    anon: kedai buku syg. dekat borders kalau tak silap. lupa dah. or kinokuniya. kalau masuk kedai buku mcm tu (MPH, etc) cr dekat ruang craft and hobbies ^^

  8. berapa harganya, as?
