
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mystical Flower

can i call this mystical flower? :D

p.s: it was made blindly {i.e: no idea at all} and rushingly, actually. hehuu~


  1. for making that blindly and rushing it sure is beautiful. I absolutely love it. I also think that mystical flower is a perfect name for it and your photographs of it are as stunning as the bookmark

  2. as..dah byk kali cube..bile wat bulatan,nape akak punye xleh rate surface die?i went thru all blog, tapi still xdpt answer how to made the quilling smooth..sbb xde quilling pin ke?[cos akak just gune bamboo stick mcm kaklin ajar dlm blog die..]..hmm..cube tgk my first trial card tu..sgt x kemas bulatan die kan..hmm..[atau sbb xpakai paper shredder..]

  3. kak asma: eh, bukan sebab tools or shredder. first maybe the way akak potong. better use metal ruler and razor. so the strip lurus jek. then how much you roll the strip. as rs, better biarkan dia rapat-rapat. so if akak nk buat besar, add more strips. then maybe practice. more practice, then you'll know the suitable pressure and your own personal technique in rolling. by the way, tak semua dlm blog ni as shred. some of them i cut it manually by razor. and i don't use quilling tools to quill, as memang dah biasa guna jari jek. so, memang bukn dtg dr guna or tak guna needle. practice more k? hee

  4. ann: oh thank you very much for your comment ann! =) i don't know how to judge this when i made it unplanned. btw, remember my the entry about meeting my long lost sister? this is last minute bookmark for her ;)

  5. hah???!!! As guna jari jer ker??? huh, caya lah!

  6. kak ayin, sesungguhny as ni memang kene buang daerah tak ikut protokol. haha! as tak pena ad quilling tools. sedey tau? dulu kalau org tny mana nak beli, as blur. sebbek kenal kak miyyah n kak lin. so taula kat mn deorg dapatkan. hrtu ms get together, tula first time pegang. try gulung, teburai. give up. huhu~

  7. It's really good looking bookmark; brown background suites so well with the other colors.

  8. ohh..yelah..the way i cut it..and the pressure kot..yes..more practice i shud i got the answer..tq so much dear..!!!mmuahh

  9. suzana: thank you suzana! :) i also think its the brown bground that makes the flower looks more mytical ;)

    kak asma: no biggie kak :D smbil tengok tv pun bole quilling. dulu as practice cm tu la. guluuuuuuung jek byk² :P

  10. salam,

    kat mana nk dapatkan kertas dan peralatan untuk quilling.

    harap dapat membantu.

  11. mdlove: kertas quilling setakat yang as dah pernah jumpa, boleh didapatkan di The Art Friend, The Gardens (Midvelley) they are not many actually. masa as dtg tu pun just ad dua kaler. it seasonal maybe. but you can always cut your own strip. as guna kertas A4 dan potong guna paper shredder :)

  12. assalammualaikum kak as,
    nk tanya ni,
    akak beli semua kertas2 colour yg cantik2, warnanya pun menawan kat mana ya? :)

  13. i bought them in different places dear. too many to mention here. but they are all around KL :)

  14. around kl? wow! kedai tepi jln je ke or kedai dlm KLCC ke tmpt shopping mana2?

  15. tempat as salu g: bookstores (MPH, borders, popular, etc) and some stores at midvalley (paper butique, jusco), the gardens (the art friend), the curve, OU dan byk lagi (kene rajin explore nih) hehe
