
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Best Wishes Card

what a tiring days behind! but i really had a good time :D three days straight going outside and did a lot of activities, my reunion was really happening. oh, quilling get-together? it was blast and joyful! :D and my convocation ceremony starts with clumsiness of me for leaving my mortar board behind which i suppose to bring it inside the hall =.=" but with God's help, it end up very-very well after that :')

i'm still waiting for the pictures of our Quilling Get Together v1.0 from my friends camera, actually. and will update the story as soon as i got them. anyway, miyyah@kertas's pics are now available at her facebook page ;) take a look ya?!

while waiting, here's one card expressly made for urgent occasion. it's my first time playing with orange and peach background! :D

i'm not feeling well today but not also sick. perhaps, i'm just too tired. sadly, i have a lot of works to be done =.=" oh~ oh~


  1. Maybe now you'll have a little time to rest and be feeling better soon. Your card is really cute.

  2. Simply beautiful As! Hope you feel better soon and have some time to relax. So happy your convo went well.xx

  3. I love this little cluster of grapes As...simple design but very cute.
    It goes nicely with your background papers.

  4. ann: yup, but i'm still in fever right now :'( all the works really have to be done slowly or else i easily get headache. hope i can quill again soon and update this blog more later on.

    ally: thank you ally! :D i sleep really early these days. today the feeling is a bit better but still in headache. huhu~

    cheryl: thank you cheryl! :D i want to make 3D quilling but still don't have courage to quill more. so i make grape first :P
