
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Swap Card: To Kak Lin {draft}

wii! another fun activity, suggested by kak lin ♥ i can't remember when she invites me. but this invitation has no expired date ;) err.. or actually it has, which is until the card is done and arrive safely to her :P

and right at this moment, i just finish the card and didn't tell her yet that the card has done! so dear kak lin, if you happen to read this {i know you will}, this is a sneak peak of the card. made with aaaaaaaaaaaallll my heart! ♥

will upload the full picture as soon as she respond to this entry ^^ or perhaps after it arrives in front of her house ..? {to be more surprise to her? hmm >;)}

ok now, who want to swap their craft thing with me? anything! *wink!*


  1. OMG!!! Dah siap ke As???? Oh! I can't wait!!! So excited!!! Have you posted the card already?? I must get your card ready too for the swap!! Yay!!! Thank you sweetie!

  2. Cepat2 upload full photo of the card dear! Dah tak sabar2 nak tengok nih! hehehehe! ;)

  3. belum pos lagi kak lin.. hehe.. packing pun belum lagi ni.. rs syg pulak nk lepaskan.. hakhak :P nanti kak lin emailkan address ya?

    alaaaa, upload bila dah sampai tak boleh ke? hee~ okei2, jap nak wat photoshoot ngn edit2 jap :P
