
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Butterflies Fly So High!

okay, they can't really fly so high since the space is small ;) these three different colours of butterflies cards was made for friendship theme.

but i guess, it also suitable for wedding, right? :) down here are the closer look of them. enjoy! ;)


  1. Just seen your butterflies, OMG I can't believe these! I adore the way you have done the body and how you wrap the paper round the design. How on earth did you think this up? Hope its ok if I follow your example. Especially like the green and orange/yellow.xx

  2. sweet baby!!! makin byk design nmpk!weehuuuu~ congrats n gdluck! =)

  3. ally: just play with papers and inspiration will follow you later, dear. and don't rush. that's the key :P oh yes, you may try this. but im sure you can do much more better! ;)

    ninab: thank you dear sister! always pray for me ya? :-

  4. Lawanya rama2 you niiiiii!!! I love them! Kemas usual! :)

  5. thank you kak lin!! =') ini rama-rama tahap paling simple punya. as nk siapkan cepat-cepat. so, gulung2 tiga kelopak daisi, bungkus2, siap sebelah sayap. hehe.

  6. lawanya, ada tgk cara bt kad ni dlm martha steward tp sy x tools dia..

  7. dear gunturina, as pun mcm u jugak. takde tools. tapi, nk sgt2 buat.. so as practice gulung guna jr jek.. n sampai skarang, as pun tak tau mana nak cari all the tools. hee. dah terbiasa gulung by fingers.

    btw, cuba tengok link di sidebar. dlm blog miyyah@kertas, she sells quilling tools. dalam blog Lin Handmade Greeting Cards, she had shared a tutorial to make quilling needle by using toothpick! ;)
